Friendly D&I chat

Python Community Connects the World

31st Jan 2023

Reserve now

What we will cover:

  • Updates from the community.
  • Spotlight from the communities highlighted activities and events
  • PSF membership what PSF membership is all about and how it could benefit you.
  • PSF Election. How does it work. Focused on solving problems.
  • PyCon US 20 years celebration
  • Travel grants for PyCon US and how you can apply.

Check your timezone

Tokyo Japan

21h00 | JST
GMT +9

India New Delhi

17h30 | IST
GMT +5.5

New York Statue of Liberty New York

7h00 | EST/EDT
GMT -5

London London

12h00 | GMT
GMT +0

Sydney Sydney

23h00 | DST/AEDT
GMT +11

Vancouver Vancouver

04h00 | PST
GMT -8

Berlin Berlin

13h00 | CET
GMT +1

Tel Aviv Tel Aviv

14h00 | IST
GMT +2

Bangkok Bangkok

19h00 | GMT +7
GMT +7

The Diversity and Inclusion Working Group is a volunteer workgroup of the Python Software Foundation.transform the way people see the world.
Our current active members are:

Marlene Mhangami (chair)

Anthony Shaw

Christian Heimes

Dustin Ingram

Débora Azevedo

Georgi Ker

Iqbal Abdullah

Lorena Mesa

Mannie Young

Reuven Lerner


Sayantika Banik

Tereza Iofciu

Other members include:

Anna Ossowski, Boluwaji Akinlade, Katia Lira, Manuel Kaufmann, Mariam Haji, Phoebe Chua

The workgroup's purpose is to further the PSF’s mission toto support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers. We also aim to provide guidance to the PSF Board of Directors in line with this mandate.

The core values for this group are: Inclusion, Empathy, Respect, Integrity, Equity and Belonging. The Workgroup aims to

1. Recruit globally representative Workgroup members. that will advocate for and provide insights on behalf of their local communities. Our members will, where possible, include representatives from each continent.

2. Discuss policy, initiatives and grant proposals to recommend to the PSF Board of Directors in line with the group’s purpose.

3. Communicate and collect feedbackfrom the Python community to understand how the PSF can better serve and grow a diverse membership.

4. Measure, evaluate, and share the PSF’s progresstowards its diversity initiatives on a regular basis

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Be on the Spotlight

You have an inspiring story you want to share about someone in your community? The achievement or a Python-related event that you want to tell us?

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PSF Membership

Want to be part of the community? Or to know what the PSF membership is all about? Join us now!

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D&I Workgroup Members

If you would like to be part of the D&I Workgroup, write to us to tell us why you would like to join and how you could help make a positive impact in the Workgroup.

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Anonymous Feedback

We respect your privacy. Want to give us some feedback or contact us but keep your identity anonymous? Reach out to us through our anonymous message box.

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Help us know more about you

We would like to know more about our global fellow Python users so that we know what you need and how we can make the Python eco-system more user friendly globally. Complete this quick questionnaire to help us.

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Be a contributor

Contribute to the content of this page. Help us translate the page to another language.


Community Spotlight

Motivational stories, Python heroes, out of ordinary events, interesting data. We share what's happening around the Python community.

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Who are the members who have voted for PSF election?

Tereza Iofciu Dec 23, 2022
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PSF Board Timeline

Tereza Iofciu Dec 29, 2022
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Take a closer look at
who the voters for the PSF elections are

Laura Garcia 14 days ago
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Another article.

someone 26 days ago


What is this chat about?

In these events, we want the community the opportunity to learn more and engage with the PSF Diversity & Inclusion work group.

  • You can join the event and learn about updates from the community and also share updates if you have any.
  • You can learn about the various PSF memberships and what does it mean to be a contributing member of the python community.
  • You can ask anything about the Python community work and initiatives.

How can I join the Friendly D&I Chat?

You can join the live event, we will post links to the hosting platform shortly. Alternatively you can also watch the event live stream and post your questions in chat.

How do I save the date?

The event page will give the option to add it to your calendar in your timezone.

I cannot join at the time of the event, will the
event be recorded?

The event will be recorded and live-streamed. It will stay online afterwards for people to watch later.

I would love to join the D&I work group, do you
take any new members?

Since the group started we have not taken any new members, however this year (2023) we will start taking new members again. Pls refer to the official page for more information on that (

Is the event paid?

Nope, its free for the community and will be streamed online

Get in Touch